2018年1月10日 星期三

快速上手 Windows Containers 容器技術

Launch AWS new instance - Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Base with Containers <Free>
Launch Command Line Console

C:\Users\Administrator>docker run --name new1 -it microsoft/windowsservercore cmd
run new container and name is new1
-i Keep STDIN open event if not attached
-t Allocate a pseudo-TTY
Base image microsoft/windowserververcore 
Download -> Extract -> Execute

 This is a container OS cmd

List running Containers
C:\Users\Administrator>docker ps -a

Stop Container

Delete Container

List local Container images




 check_systemv1.1.bat 可用於電腦資產盤點 @echo off REM 後續命令使用的是:UTF-8編碼 chcp 65001 echo ***Thanks for your cooperation*** echo ***感謝你的合作*** timeout 1...