2017年10月26日 星期四

WebDriver Element Locator

[WebDriver Element Locator]

  1. Open Firefox
  2. Install add-on from https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/element-locator-for-webdriv/


  1. Launch Firefox, open the target URL (such as google)
  2. Put mouse on the web element, then Right
  3. Click, click [XPaths…] on the menu
  4. Suggested XPath will be shown in the list, pick one(Left Click) and it will be copied directly to the clipboard

這個 Firefox add-on WebDriver Element Locator 比較好用
另有打勾是的建議你用的locator id,
The mark "V" is identical (highly recommend),
"X" is duplicated (you may find more than one web element if you use the XPath).


Firebug+FirePath and WebDriver Element Locator in one menu



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#1 pull images $docker pull chusiang/takaojs1607 #2 list images $docker images #3.1 run docker $docker run -it ### bash #3.2 run do...